Monday, March 23, 2009

Try Aloe for Colitis and Crohn's

I have heard and read some testimonials for Aloe and Crohn's. I myself have benefited personally from drinking aloe to help with my digestion, absorbtion and acid reflux. My mom suffers from Colitis and I sent her some of my Forever Aloe Vera Gel and she has seen improvement in her symptoms, so now I send it to her every month.

As a distributor of the product my goal is to offer an alternative, my M.D. told me I would be on prilosec and acid reducers my whole life. I'm glad I tried aloe vera instead.

Here is some of the information I pulled from the web on Crohn's and Aloe


Inflammatory digestive disease, which can be anywhere between mouth and bowel. Mostly commonly found at the conjuncture of the large and small intestine. There is no known cause or cure so it is a chronic decease.

Symptoms can include abdominal pain, frequent visits to the bathroom and bleeding. When a flare-up is severe often steroids or surgery is needed. However, a great deal can be done naturally with i.e. diets, reducing stress.

Aloe vera can help by cleansing the digestive system and greatly reduces the inflammation. Over a period of time, the Aloe Vera also helps the body to repair epithelial damage.

See clinical trial done at Great Ormond Street by Dr. Ramsden on Ulcerative Colitis and Welsh National Medical School clinic trials on I.B.S. – the biggest trial ever for this condition.

Take care and be well


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