Thursday, October 9, 2008

Forever Living Products - My Story

July 2006 I was on my way to the Emergency Room (ER) after vomiting for 24 plus hours. It was the best 100 dollar co-pay I ever spent. They helped stabilize me and get fluids back into me. Stress, poor digestion and stomach irritation had reared its ugly head my life.

My doctor told me I would be on prilosec or other acid blockers like nexium, zantac or omeprazole for the rest of my life and I should be thankful the medicine was there for me.

Fundamentally I felt wrong about taking a pill that blocked something my body was doing. I met with a naturopathic doctor and a degreed nutritionist and they told me that acid blockers have links to hip fractures and stomach cancer. I decided it was time to change after following my original MD’s advice for a year. Acid blockers aren’t something you can just quit cold turkey. It took over a month to reduce the dosage while watching what I ate and healing my stomach with Aloe and good bacteria (probiotic and enzymes).

My digestion is now stable. However reducing stress is also a key. Watching how involved I get in situations that I can’t control, like politics. Republican, Democrat, what ever you are just make sure and vote and let your mind rest. Stress and worry aren’t your friends. Find your happy place and nurture yourself. Try not to focus on things you can’t control. These words are as much for me as they are for you.

In the past years I have researched, read books, listened to every audio book I could get my hands on from Deepak Chopra to Andrew Weil. After all this gathering of knowledge the products I recommend are all from one company, Forever living. The products help with weight management, overall health, skin care, Gerd, acid indigestion, heartburn, Colitis, acne, eczema and psorasis.

Aloe – research this miracle plant and you will find nothing but good. However drinking Aloe was new to me. This is truly a gift and healthy cultures have been doing it since the times of the bible. Naturally soothing, anti inflammatory, healing and balancing.

Probiotics- get the good bacteria back to help you digest and absorb the nutrients.
Vitamins, Supplements and immune boosters to keep you well an energetic.

So now I am a believer and a distributor for this product. To see my web site go to

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